Monday, February 28, 2022

Layer2 GmbH | SharePoint and Office 365 Data Integration and File Sync Solutions

Layer2 GmbH | SharePoint and Office 365 Data Integration and File Sync Solutions

Layer2 - The SharePoint Experts from Hamburg (Germany): Layer2 is one of the leading providers of SharePoint, Office 365, and Azure apps in Europe with a major focus on data integration and knowledge management. [Layer2, SharePoint, WebParts, Apps, Components, Office 365, Azure]

Layer2 Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint

LAYER2 TAXONOMY MANAGER FOR SHAREPOINT: Offers a complete taxonomy life-cycle management application to import, create, deploy, improve and export corporate taxonomies using various formats, including SKOS. Custom term properties, classification rules, etc. Taxonomy-based item and document classification in SharePoint helps users to find the information they need much faster, it gives context to the cloud, connects users to social networks, provides portal-wide activity feeds, and enables a new way to access information – independent of the storage location. The Taxonomy Manager offers a complete taxonomy life-cycle management application to import, create, deploy, improve and export terms. Additionally, it extends the term store to add a more advanced attribute to terms, like classification rules or related terms. Tag classification rules are used for automated or semi-automated content classification tools like Auto-Tagger and Tag Suggester. Features & Benefits: * Advanced import/update features: Support of additional formats to import free and commercially available taxonomies, e.g. SKOS. Out-of-the-box SharePoint supports CSV only, localization and synonyms are not supported by default. * Export feature: Taxonomy Manager allows exporting SharePoint-based corporate taxonomies without any loss of information into several different formats, e.g. SKOS. Out-of-the-box SharePoint doesn't offer any export. * Change Management (planned): Complete Taxonomy Life-Cycle Management, e.g. Term Suggestion, Term Publishing Workflow, etc. Out-of-the-box SharePoint does not offer any term change management. * Management of custom term attributes: You can add and manage additional custom term attributes, like tag rules. Out-of-the-box there is an API only in SharePoint 2010 for managing custom term properties, no UI. * Classification rules: You can create and manage tag rules for content-based auto-classification including rule auto-generation and rule validation. Out-of-the-box classification rules are not supported by SharePoint. * Term relationship management (planned): You can point to completely different terms, that are related to the current term in any way. Related terms can be used e.g. for advanced navigation features. * 100% SharePoint 2010 / 2013 + Open API. The SharePoint Taxonomy Manager is also available as a component of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. The solution comes with a robust installer to allow it to be easily deployed within any SharePoint environment. It is currently available for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 / 2013 (any on-premise editions, not for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation).


LAYER2 TAXONOMY MANAGER FOR SHAREPOINT: Offers a complete taxonomy life-cycle management application to import, create, deploy, improve and export corporate taxonomies using various formats, including SKOS. Custom term properties, classification rules, etc. Taxonomy-based item and document classification in SharePoint helps users to find the information they need much faster, it gives context to the cloud, connects users to social networks, provides portal-wide activity feeds, and enables a new way to access information – independent of the storage location. The Taxonomy Manager offers a complete taxonomy life-cycle management application to import, create, deploy, improve and export terms. Additionally, it extends the term store to add a more advanced attribute to terms, like classification rules or related terms. Tag classification rules are used for automated or semi-automated content classification tools like Auto-Tagger and Tag Suggester. Features & Benefits: * Advanced import/update features: Support of additional formats to import free and commercially available taxonomies, e.g. SKOS. Out-of-the-box SharePoint supports CSV only, localization and synonyms are not supported by default. * Export feature: Taxonomy Manager allows exporting SharePoint-based corporate taxonomies without any loss of information into several different formats, e.g. SKOS. Out-of-the-box SharePoint doesn't offer any export. * Change Management (planned): Complete Taxonomy Life-Cycle Management, e.g. Term Suggestion, Term Publishing Workflow, etc. Out-of-the-box SharePoint does not offer any term change management. * Management of custom term attributes: You can add and manage additional custom term attributes, like tag rules. Out-of-the-box there is an API only in SharePoint 2010 for managing custom term properties, no UI. * Classification rules: You can create and manage tag rules for content-based auto-classification including rule auto-generation and rule validation. Out-of-the-box classification rules are not supported by SharePoint. * Term relationship management (planned): You can point to completely different terms, that are related to the current term in any way. Related terms can be used e.g. for advanced navigation features. * 100% SharePoint 2010 / 2013 + Open API. The SharePoint Taxonomy Manager is also available as a component of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. The solution comes with a robust installer to allow it to be easily deployed within any SharePoint environment. It is currently available for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 / 2013 (any on-premise editions, not for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation).

Layer2 Tag Suggester for SharePoint

While manually tagging or categorizing items and documents in Microsoft SharePoint using the new managed metadata column, the Tag Suggester for Microsoft SharePoint automatically offers a set of appropriate content-based category or keyword suggestions, depending on the term store taxonomies and managed metadata, tag rules, item and document properties and metadata, information store context and textual document contents. By default, SharePoint offers an auto-complete feature only. The feature is also available as part of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. Features and benefits: * Increased productivity and precision while tagging SharePoint items and documents manually based on given taxonomies / managed metadata. The system is not only able to suggest many useful tags, but also to discover new and relevant tags, not suggested by any of the human users. * An additional suggest list is displayed with appropriate tags/keywords based on certain term stores/taxonomies. * Taxonomy entry point (root node) is automatically chosen concerning the current metadata column settings. * List items are processed as well as documents and files located in SharePoint libraries. * Properties (metadata column content) of list items and documents are considered for tagging. * The context of items and documents, e.g. site, list, library, folder is considered for tagging. * The document or file textual contents are considered if IFilters are installed. * Rule-based categorization. High-performance Microsoft .NET Framework bases rule engine with high quality of subject classification. * Installed IFilters are used for content analysis, e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and many more). * External data sources can be tagged as well. * Fully integrated into default SharePoint tagging dialog. Out-of-the-box features (e.g. auto-complete) are kept working. * 100% SharePoint 2010 / 2013 technology


While manually tagging or categorizing items and documents in Microsoft SharePoint using the new managed metadata column, the Tag Suggester for Microsoft SharePoint automatically offers a set of appropriate content-based category or keyword suggestions, depending on the term store taxonomies and managed metadata, tag rules, item and document properties and metadata, information store context and textual document contents. By default, SharePoint offers an auto-complete feature only. The feature is also available as part of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. Features and benefits: * Increased productivity and precision while tagging SharePoint items and documents manually based on given taxonomies / managed metadata. The system is not only able to suggest many useful tags, but also to discover new and relevant tags, not suggested by any of the human users. * An additional suggest list is displayed with appropriate tags/keywords based on certain term stores/taxonomies. * Taxonomy entry point (root node) is automatically chosen concerning the current metadata column settings. * List items are processed as well as documents and files located in SharePoint libraries. * Properties (metadata column content) of list items and documents are considered for tagging. * The context of items and documents, e.g. site, list, library, folder is considered for tagging. * The document or file textual contents are considered if IFilters are installed. * Rule-based categorization. High-performance Microsoft .NET Framework bases rule engine with high quality of subject classification. * Installed IFilters are used for content analysis, e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and many more). * External data sources can be tagged as well. * Fully integrated into default SharePoint tagging dialog. Out-of-the-box features (e.g. auto-complete) are kept working. * 100% SharePoint 2010 / 2013 technology

Layer2 Tag Navigation Web Part for SharePoint

Harvest the value of collaborative tagging by using the SharePoint 2010 / 2013 managed metadata taxonomy tree directly for content discovery and navigation. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design.


Harvest the value of collaborative tagging by using the SharePoint 2010 / 2013 managed metadata taxonomy tree directly for content discovery and navigation. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design.

Layer2 Tag Directory Web Part for SharePoint

Renders the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 / 2013 managed metadata taxonomy tree as flat A-Z directory category index directly for content discovery and navigation. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design.


Renders the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 / 2013 managed metadata taxonomy tree as flat A-Z directory category index directly for content discovery and navigation. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design.

Layer2 Tag Cloud Web Part for SharePoint

Navigate the content by its importance using a familiar taxonomy-based tag cloud. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design


Navigate the content by its importance using a familiar taxonomy-based tag cloud. Flexible link building, e.g. links to Tag Profile page or content result list. Optionally additional information, e.g. tag description and usage count. Template-based design.

Layer2 Related Content Web Part for SharePoint

Content is king. Context is queen. Together, they will rule your web. To make it as simple as possible for users to find the desired content on portals, typically "related content" is shown in the context of a given topic. As a result, context-dependent contact information, related products, further news, links, and downloads can be better found by users and visitors. Managed metadata in Microsoft SharePoint enables editors to centrally define relationships between SharePoint items and documents by tagging them using enterprise taxonomies and provides a very flexible way, to display related content using the Related Content Web Part for SharePoint. The Web Part is also available as part of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. With the Related Content Web Part for SharePoint out-of-the-box dynamic web sites with search-driven applications like product- and services catalogs, information sites, etc. and can be built: * Context-dependent dynamic display of related services, solutions, and other topics; * Linking of accessories, related products, product groups, spare parts; * Assignment of documentation for services and solutions, e.g. data sheets; * Downloads for given topics, e.g. files like Word, Excel or ZIP archives; * Customer references assigned to services and products; * Current addresses and context-driven contact information; * Related tasks of a given topic; * Related dates and events of a given topic


Content is king. Context is queen. Together, they will rule your web. To make it as simple as possible for users to find the desired content on portals, typically "related content" is shown in the context of a given topic. As a result, context-dependent contact information, related products, further news, links, and downloads can be better found by users and visitors. Managed metadata in Microsoft SharePoint enables editors to centrally define relationships between SharePoint items and documents by tagging them using enterprise taxonomies and provides a very flexible way, to display related content using the Related Content Web Part for SharePoint. The Web Part is also available as part of the Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint. With the Related Content Web Part for SharePoint out-of-the-box dynamic web sites with search-driven applications like product- and services catalogs, information sites, etc. and can be built: * Context-dependent dynamic display of related services, solutions, and other topics; * Linking of accessories, related products, product groups, spare parts; * Assignment of documentation for services and solutions, e.g. data sheets; * Downloads for given topics, e.g. files like Word, Excel or ZIP archives; * Customer references assigned to services and products; * Current addresses and context-driven contact information; * Related tasks of a given topic; * Related dates and events of a given topic

Layer2 Cloud Connector (Professional Edition)

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync between 100+ systems and apps like SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, local file server, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure, and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync. Free trial, Personal and Professional Editions available for download after registration.


The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync between 100+ systems and apps like SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, local file server, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure, and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync. Free trial, Personal and Professional Editions available for download after registration.

Layer2 Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint

The Layer2 Knowledge Management Suite for Microsoft SharePoint encourage knowledge workers to take advantage of the SharePoint Collaborative Knowledge Management and Social Networking features by making it as easy as possible to tag content manually and automatically, use tags for knowledge browsing, page navigation, content discovery and search: Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint: Manage the Term Store with additional managed metadata properties (e.g. tagging rules), term set export, import and update Tag Suggester for SharePoint: While tagging an item or document, display a suggestion list of appropriate terms based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. Auto Tagger for SharePoint: Tag items and documents in the background without any user interaction, based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. Auto Tagger could be helpful for initial tagging, e.g. after content migration from any system to SharePoint, as well as for daily background operation. Tag Navigation Web Part for SharePoint: Harvest the value of collaborative tagging by using the SharePoint managed metadata taxonomy tree directly for content discovery and navigation. Tag Directory Web Part for SharePoint: Render the SharePoint managed metadata taxonomy tree as a flat A-Z directory category index directly for content discovery and navigation. Tag Cloud Web Part for SharePoint: Navigate the content by its importance using a familiar taxonomy-based tag cloud. Related Content Web Part for SharePoint: Automatically display related content in a given context using managed taxonomy metadata. The solution was developed 100% based on the SharePoint Enterprise Metadata Management API and requires SharePoint Server 2010, 2013, or 2016


The Layer2 Knowledge Management Suite for Microsoft SharePoint encourage knowledge workers to take advantage of the SharePoint Collaborative Knowledge Management and Social Networking features by making it as easy as possible to tag content manually and automatically, use tags for knowledge browsing, page navigation, content discovery and search: Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint: Manage the Term Store with additional managed metadata properties (e.g. tagging rules), term set export, import and update Tag Suggester for SharePoint: While tagging an item or document, display a suggestion list of appropriate terms based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. Auto Tagger for SharePoint: Tag items and documents in the background without any user interaction, based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. Auto Tagger could be helpful for initial tagging, e.g. after content migration from any system to SharePoint, as well as for daily background operation. Tag Navigation Web Part for SharePoint: Harvest the value of collaborative tagging by using the SharePoint managed metadata taxonomy tree directly for content discovery and navigation. Tag Directory Web Part for SharePoint: Render the SharePoint managed metadata taxonomy tree as a flat A-Z directory category index directly for content discovery and navigation. Tag Cloud Web Part for SharePoint: Navigate the content by its importance using a familiar taxonomy-based tag cloud. Related Content Web Part for SharePoint: Automatically display related content in a given context using managed taxonomy metadata. The solution was developed 100% based on the SharePoint Enterprise Metadata Management API and requires SharePoint Server 2010, 2013, or 2016

Layer2 Cloud Connector (Personal Edition)

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync between 100+ systems and apps like SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, local file server, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync. Free trial, Personal and Professional Editions available for download after registration.


The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync between 100+ systems and apps like SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, local file server, Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync. Free trial, Personal and Professional Editions available for download after registration.

Layer2 Cloud Connector (Enterprise Edition)

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync across 100+ IT systems and apps, such as SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, file servers, Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync of data and files. You will find supported systems and apps here:


The Layer2 Cloud Connector can keep your data and documents in sync across 100+ IT systems and apps, such as SQL databases, ERP/CRM systems like SAP or Salesforce, file servers, Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics, Office Groups, Microsoft Teams, Azure and more. Local data sources are supported as well as cloud-based. It can be used for migration, backup, and also two-way sync of data and files. You will find supported systems and apps here:

Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint

The fast, easy and complete integration of external LOB data, e.g. from databases, is a common requirement in the use of Microsoft SharePoint technology. Existing solutions, such as the Business Data Catalog (BDC) in SharePoint 2007 or the Business Catalog Service (BCS) in SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019, are often too complex at the facility, bringing with them limitations and they are are available for specific editions only. The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) on the other hand, connects native SharePoint lists (no Web Parts) to 100+ external business data sources, using a very simple list settings dialogue. Fig: Configuration of the SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) directly in the SharePoint list settings It can be configured easily with 3 simple settings only regarding data Provider, connection string, data query, and primary key(s). The desired data can be presented without any restrictions, with the full read-only and write-back (CRUD) functionality of common SharePoint lists made available: views, sorting and grouping, filters, calculated fields can be created as usual. Workflows and notifications per RSS or email can be used to take business actions directly in SharePoint if external business data records are changed. The Layer2 Business Data List Connector is available for WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007, SharePoint Foundation 2010 / 2013 and SharePoint Server 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019.


The fast, easy and complete integration of external LOB data, e.g. from databases, is a common requirement in the use of Microsoft SharePoint technology. Existing solutions, such as the Business Data Catalog (BDC) in SharePoint 2007 or the Business Catalog Service (BCS) in SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019, are often too complex at the facility, bringing with them limitations and they are are available for specific editions only. The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) on the other hand, connects native SharePoint lists (no Web Parts) to 100+ external business data sources, using a very simple list settings dialogue. Fig: Configuration of the SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) directly in the SharePoint list settings It can be configured easily with 3 simple settings only regarding data Provider, connection string, data query, and primary key(s). The desired data can be presented without any restrictions, with the full read-only and write-back (CRUD) functionality of common SharePoint lists made available: views, sorting and grouping, filters, calculated fields can be created as usual. Workflows and notifications per RSS or email can be used to take business actions directly in SharePoint if external business data records are changed. The Layer2 Business Data List Connector is available for WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007, SharePoint Foundation 2010 / 2013 and SharePoint Server 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019.

Layer2 Auto Tagger for SharePoint

Tags items and documents automatically in the background without any user interaction, based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. High quality of subject classification using a high-performance Microsoft .NET Framework-based rule engine. Auto Tagger could be helpful for initial tagging, e.g. after content migration from any system to SharePoint, as well as for daily background operation. Bulk-tagging and real-time-tagging supported.


Tags items and documents automatically in the background without any user interaction, based on given Term Store taxonomies, tagging rules, item properties, context, and document content. High quality of subject classification using a high-performance Microsoft .NET Framework-based rule engine. Auto Tagger could be helpful for initial tagging, e.g. after content migration from any system to SharePoint, as well as for daily background operation. Bulk-tagging and real-time-tagging supported.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Tag Suggester for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Tag Navigation Web Part for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Tag Directory Web Part for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Tag Cloud Web Part for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Related Content Web Part for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Knowledge Management Suite for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included. Please note, that upgrades from product versions for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 / Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 / Microsoft SharePoint Foundation are possible only with valid Software Assurance (SA) for all licenses.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included. Please note, that upgrades from product versions for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 / Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 / Microsoft SharePoint Foundation are possible only with valid Software Assurance (SA) for all licenses.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Cloud Connector (Professional Edition)

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Cloud Connector (Professional Edition) - If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.


Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Cloud Connector (Professional Edition) - If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Cloud Connector (Personal Edition)

ANNUAL SOFTWARE ASSURANCE (SA) - LAYER2 CLOUD CONNECTOR (PERSONAL EDITION) | Layer 2 GmbH: If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.


ANNUAL SOFTWARE ASSURANCE (SA) - LAYER2 CLOUD CONNECTOR (PERSONAL EDITION) | Layer 2 GmbH: If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Cloud Connector (Personal Edition)

ANNUAL SOFTWARE ASSURANCE (SA) - LAYER2 CLOUD CONNECTOR (PERSONAL EDITION) | Layer 2 GmbH: If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.


ANNUAL SOFTWARE ASSURANCE (SA) - LAYER2 CLOUD CONNECTOR (PERSONAL EDITION) | Layer 2 GmbH: If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint

Layer 2 GmbH - Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint - The fast, easy, and complete integration of external LOB data, e.g. from databases, is a common requirement in the use of Microsoft SharePoint technology. Existing solutions, such as the Business Data Catalog (BDC) in SharePoint 2007 or the Business Catalog Service (BCS) in SharePoint 2010, are often too complex at the facility, bring with them limitations, or they are available for MOSS (Enterprise Edition) only. The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) on the other hand, connects a REAL SharePoint list (no Web Part) to almost any external business data, using a very simple list settings dialogue. The BDLC connects a real SharePoint list directly with almost any external LOB data using common list settings with 3 easy steps: 1. Enter connection string 2. Enter select statement 3. Enter primary keys. Fast background updates of changed data only: Alerts and workflows can be used to take business actions if external data records are changed. All other list features are available without any restrictions: views, sorting, filtering, grouping, calculated columns, etc. If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.


Layer 2 GmbH - Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint - The fast, easy, and complete integration of external LOB data, e.g. from databases, is a common requirement in the use of Microsoft SharePoint technology. Existing solutions, such as the Business Data Catalog (BDC) in SharePoint 2007 or the Business Catalog Service (BCS) in SharePoint 2010, are often too complex at the facility, bring with them limitations, or they are available for MOSS (Enterprise Edition) only. The SharePoint Business Data List Connector (BDLC) on the other hand, connects a REAL SharePoint list (no Web Part) to almost any external business data, using a very simple list settings dialogue. The BDLC connects a real SharePoint list directly with almost any external LOB data using common list settings with 3 easy steps: 1. Enter connection string 2. Enter select statement 3. Enter primary keys. Fast background updates of changed data only: Alerts and workflows can be used to take business actions if external data records are changed. All other list features are available without any restrictions: views, sorting, filtering, grouping, calculated columns, etc. If you select payment by credit or debit card, or via direct debit, you agree to have the unit price per subscription period automatically charged to your card and/or bank account immediately before the start of the next billing period.

Annual Software Assurance (SA) - Layer2 Auto Tagger for SharePoint

License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included.


License holders, who optionally acquire the annual Software Assurance (SA), benefit from future improvements and new features of the licensed product. SA enables you to migrate your software from a lower-level software edition to a higher-level edition. SA makes available free maintenance, updates, minor and major releases updates or upgrades for one year in each case and can be renewed after expiring. The Software Assurance (SA) is valid per 1 license (server) for 1 year from the date of product license purchase. Remarks: Additional services, which may be required for updating or upgrading, are not included

SkinSoft CSS Components for .NET Developers

SkinSoft CSS Components for .NET Developers

Skin controls for WinForms.Net, C#, VB, and Visual Studio.Net: Advanced skin components for Windows Forms applications, supports C# and VB.Net with full Visual Studio Integration [.net skin, c# skin, vb skin, .net controls, .net component, custom winforms, windows forms, winforms, form skin, visual studio, skin component]

AquaSkin.Net - OS-X Aqua skin component for .NET Developers

AquaSkin.Net - OS-X Aqua skin component for .NET Developers: AquaSkin.Net transforms your .NET applications GUI to look like the popular Mac OS-X platform. Just select a style from one of the 5 built-in skins including Tiger, Panther, Leopard, and iTune themes. Everything in your .NET application is automatically skinned, including all forms, controls, scrollbars, common dialogs, message boxes, exception dialogs, and even native win32 controls. The component uses the latest smart-tag designers, making the component very easy to set up and configure without having to modify anything in your projects. AquaSkin.Net uses an advanced skin engine, your application GUI is rendered fast, accurate, and smoothly with no visible paint artifacts or flickering, and because our skin engine is designed entirely in C# it fully supports windows forms control transparency, font, color, and image customizations. The component supports many advanced features including dynamic alpha-blended drop shadow effects on all forms and dialogs, Aero optimizations and transitions, advanced support for 3rd party controls and supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 8.

AquaSkin.Net | CSS Components

AquaSkin.Net - OS-X Aqua skin component for .NET Developers: AquaSkin.Net transforms your .NET applications GUI to look like the popular Mac OS-X platform. Just select a style from one of the 5 built-in skins including Tiger, Panther, Leopard, and iTune themes. Everything in your .NET application is automatically skinned, including all forms, controls, scrollbars, common dialogs, message boxes, exception dialogs, and even native win32 controls. The component uses the latest smart-tag designers, making the component very easy to set up and configure without having to modify anything in your projects. AquaSkin.Net uses an advanced skin engine, your application GUI is rendered fast, accurate, and smoothly with no visible paint artifacts or flickering, and because our skin engine is designed entirely in C# it fully supports windows forms control transparency, font, color, and image customizations. The component supports many advanced features including dynamic alpha-blended drop shadow effects on all forms and dialogs, Aero optimizations and transitions, advanced support for 3rd party controls and supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 8.

OSSkin.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers

OSSkin.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers: OSSkin skins WinForms applications from a selection of 25 popular OS themes including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Aero, Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX, supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 10.

OSSkin.Net | CSS Components

OSSkin.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers: OSSkin skins WinForms applications from a selection of 25 popular OS themes including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Aero, Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX, supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 10.

VisualStyler.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers

VisualStyler.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers: is the ultimate skinning component for Windows Forms .Net developers, it includes an Advanced Skin editor, MsStyles Import Tool, 33 Professional Skins including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 10, Windows Aero, Windows Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX and direct support for Microsoft Visual Styles.

VisualStyler.Net | CSS Components

VisualStyler.Net - skinning component for .NET Developers: is the ultimate skinning component for Windows Forms .Net developers, it includes an Advanced Skin editor, MsStyles Import Tool, 33 Professional Skins including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 10, Windows Aero, Windows Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX and direct support for Microsoft Visual Styles

VisualStyler.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers

VisualStyler.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers: is the ultimate skinning component for Windows Forms .Net developers, it includes an Advanced Skin editor, MsStyles Import Tool, 33 Professional Skins including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 10, Windows Aero, Windows Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX and direct support for Microsoft Visual Styles.

VisualStyler.Net Corporate License + Source Code | CSS Components

VisualStyler.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers: is the ultimate skinning component for Windows Forms .Net developers, it includes an Advanced Skin editor, MsStyles Import Tool, 33 Professional Skins including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 10, Windows Aero, Windows Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX and direct support for Microsoft Visual Styles.

OSSkin.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers

OSSkin.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers: OSSkin skins WinForms applications from a selection of 25 popular OS themes including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Aero, Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX, supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 10.

OSSkin.Net Corporate License + Source Code | CSS Components

OSSkin.Net Corporate License + Source Code - skinning component for .NET Developers: OSSkin skins WinForms applications from a selection of 25 popular OS themes including Office 2007, Office 2010, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Aero, Metro, Windows XP, and Mac-OSX, supports all platforms from Windows 2000 to Windows 10.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

AnyDWG Software | DWG Converter, DWG to PDF, DWG to JPG, DWF to DWG, DWG to DXF, PDF to DWG

AnyDWG Software | DWG Converter, DWG to PDF, DWG to JPG, DWF to DWG, DWG to DXF, PDF to DWG

AnyDWG offers PDF to DWG, DWG to PDF, DWG to DXF, DWF to DWG, PDF to DXF, PDF to CAD/AutoCAD, DWG to JPG/TIF/PNG/GIF, DGN to DWG, DXF to SVG Converter. [PDF to DWG, DWG to PDF, DWG to DXF, PDF to DXF, PDF to CAD, PDF to AutoCAD, DWF to DWG, DWG Converter, CAD Converter]

Any DGN to DWG Converter

Any DGN to DWG Converter batch converts DGN files to AutoCAD DWG/DXF files. Key Features include: Converts DGN to DWG and DXF. Standalone program, AutoCAD and MicroStation are not required. Outputs AutoCAD DWG or DXF files. Supports MicroStation DGN V7 and V8. Batch conversion, allows you to convert an unlimited number of DGN files at a time. Supports command line. High Quality and easy-to-use. Lifetime technical support and lifetime future upgrades.

Any DGN to DWG Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DGN to DWG Converter batch converts DGN files to AutoCAD DWG/DXF files. Key Features include: Converts DGN to DWG and DXF. Standalone program, AutoCAD and MicroStation are not required. Outputs AutoCAD DWG or DXF files. Supports MicroStation DGN V7 and V8. Batch conversion, allows you to convert an unlimited number of DGN files at a time. Supports command line. High Quality and easy-to-use. Lifetime technical support and lifetime future upgrades.

Any DWF to DWG Converter

Any DWF to DWG Converter allows you to convert DWF (Design Web Format) files to AutoCAD DWG and DXF file formats, so you can recover DWF entities to corresponding DWG entities easily.

Any DWF to DWG Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWF to DWG Converter allows you to convert DWF (Design Web Format) files to AutoCAD DWG and DXF file formats, so you can recover DWF entities to corresponding DWG entities easily.

Any DWG DXF Converter

Any DWG DXF Converter is a batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter that allows you to convert DWG to DXF, DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter, it allows you to choose the AutoCAD version of the output DWG and DXF file.

Any DWG DXF Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG DXF Converter is a batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter that allows you to convert DWG to DXF, DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter, it allows you to choose the AutoCAD version of the output DWG and DXF file.

Any DWG DXF Converter Pro

Any DWG DXF Converter Pro is a batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter that allows you to convert DWG to DXF, DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter, it allows you to choose the AutoCAD version of the output DWG and DXF file and it supports command line feature.

Any DWG DXF Converter Pro | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG DXF Converter Pro is a batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter that allows you to convert DWG to DXF, DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD. It is also an AutoCAD drawing file version converter, it allows you to choose the AutoCAD version of the output DWG and DXF file and it supports command line feature.

Any DWG to DWF Converter

Any DWG to DWF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to DWF Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to DWF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to Image Converter

Any DWG to Image Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG, DXF and DWF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to Image Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to Image Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG, DXF and DWF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to Image Converter Pro

Any DWG to Image Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG/DXF/DWF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. It supports command line feature.

Any DWG to Image Converter Pro | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to Image Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG/DXF/DWF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. It supports command line feature.

Any DWG to PDF Converter

Any DWG to PDF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF and DWF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to PDF Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to PDF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF and DWF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD.

Any DWG to PDF Converter Pro

Any DWG to PDF Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF and DWF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD. It supports command line feature.

Any DWG to PDF Converter Pro | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to PDF Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF and DWF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD. It supports command line feature.

Any DWG to SVG Converter

Any DWG to SVG Converter batch converts DWG to SVG, DXF to SVG and DWF to SVG without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: Batch converts an unlimited number of DWG/DXF/DWF files to SVG. AutoCAD NOT required. Enables you to set the SVG Size. Enables you to set the background color of the SVG. Converts SHX, TTF font, Xref and embedded raster image/Excel in the DWG/DXF to SVG. Supports paper space and model space. Supports line weight scale and SHX scale. Explodes SHX to vector entities or adds SHX fonts to the SVG. Supports every version of DWG/DXF/DWF files. Supports command line feature. Very easy to use.

Any DWG to SVG Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any DWG to SVG Converter batch converts DWG to SVG, DXF to SVG and DWF to SVG without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: Batch converts an unlimited number of DWG/DXF/DWF files to SVG. AutoCAD NOT required. Enables you to set the SVG Size. Enables you to set the background color of the SVG. Converts SHX, TTF font, Xref and embedded raster image/Excel in the DWG/DXF to SVG. Supports paper space and model space. Supports line weight scale and SHX scale. Explodes SHX to vector entities or adds SHX fonts to the SVG. Supports every version of DWG/DXF/DWF files. Supports command line feature. Very easy to use.

Any PDF to DWG Converter

Any PDF to DWG Converter is a full featured PDF to DWG/DXF converter that allows you to easy convert PDF to DWG and PDF to DXF without the need of AutoCAD and Adobe Acrobat. Key Features: Batch converts PDF to DWG or DXF quickly and accurately. Outputs DWG or DXF files. Supports all versions of Adobe PDF file. Handles single page and multiple page files with ease. Converts the whole PDF document, a range of pages or one page into separate DWG/DXF files. Generates and optimizes vector entities like lines, polylines, splines, hatches, circles and arcs. Intelligent TrueType texts and line width recognition. Retains colors in the DWG/DXF file. Resizes the drawing by scale factor. Directly converts scanned PDF (Image PDF or raster PDF) without the need of raster to vector software. Works with and without AutoCAD/Acrobat. Powerful and easy-to-use.

Any PDF to DWG Converter | AnyDWG Software

Any PDF to DWG Converter is a full featured PDF to DWG/DXF converter that allows you to easy convert PDF to DWG and PDF to DXF without the need of AutoCAD and Adobe Acrobat. Key Features: Batch converts PDF to DWG or DXF quickly and accurately. Outputs DWG or DXF files. Supports all versions of Adobe PDF file. Handles single page and multiple page files with ease. Converts the whole PDF document, a range of pages or one page into separate DWG/DXF files. Generates and optimizes vector entities like lines, polylines, splines, hatches, circles and arcs. Intelligent TrueType texts and line width recognition. Retains colors in the DWG/DXF file. Resizes the drawing by scale factor. Directly converts scanned PDF (Image PDF or raster PDF) without the need of raster to vector software. Works with and without AutoCAD/Acrobat. Powerful and easy-to-use.

Rasterweq | Smart1DCutting | Smart2DCutting (SmartCut)

Rasterweq | Smart1DCutting | Smart2DCutting (SmartCut)

Smart2DCutting (SmartCut) is a professional cutting software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting patterns, providing for maximum material yield. This nesting software can help you maximize productivity by reducing panel waste and costs and by saving the time needed to create and analyze patterns. [smartcut, smart cut, smartcut pro, cutting software, nesting software, glass cutting, cutting program, sheet cutting, cut list, cutting patterns, woodworking software, board cutting software, panel cutting optimization, wood cutting software, panel cutting software, 2d cutting software, cutting optimizer, sheet cutting optimizer, wood cutting optimization, cutting optimization software, cutting optimization, cut optimization software, panel cutting, cutting optimizer, panel optimization software, panel optimizer, 2d optimizer, panel optimization, 2d optimization, 2d nesting, sheet metal cutting, sheet metal software]

Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 100 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart1DCutting 100 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 100 parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart2DCutting 100 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts - 3 License Pack | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - 3 License Pack - Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 100 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart1DCutting 100 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 100 parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart2DCutting 100 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts - Site License | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Site License - Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart1DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart1DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting 100 parts | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart1DCutting 100 parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts | Rasterweq

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart1DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart1DCutting is a professional software package designed for length cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart1DCutting may be used for any linear material types such as bars, pipes, profiles, cables, etc. Smart1DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart1DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart1DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%

Rasterweq - Smart2DCutting 1.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%

Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart2DCutting 10.000 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting 100 parts | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart2DCutting 100 parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts | Rasterweq

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.

Rasterweq - Smart2DCutting Unlimited parts

Smart2DCutting is a professional software package designed for panel cutting optimization. Using advanced algorithms, it generates the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum material yield. Smart2DCutting may be used in wood processing, glass, plastics, metallic works, and other similar industries. Smart2DCutting is fast and smart! Version 3.0 comes with an improved optimization engine, which handles better large parts! Smart2DCutting works fast even with a large number of parts. We tested Smart2DCutting on a large job consisting of 2140 parts! The testing machine was equipped with an AMD Duron 1100 MHz processor and 256 MB RAM. The cutting layout was computed by Smart2DCutting in less than 10 seconds and the average usage was 96%.