Sunday, February 3, 2019

MicroSolved | DNS Doberman | HoneyPoint Network Trust Agent

MicroSolved | DNS Doberman | HoneyPoint Network Trust Agent

HoneyPoint:Network Trust Agent - HoneyPoint security tool for end-users, executives and road warriors.

Built to answer the customer demands for a less technical HoneyPoint product that average notebook, executive and road warrior users could manage, HP:NTA extends HoneyPoint technology outside of your network boundaries to wherever mobile users travel. With integrated HoneyPoints, centralized reporting and DNS protection to help prevent DNS tampering and Man-in-the-middle attacks, HP:NTA provides simple, powerful and vigilant security without the need for technical knowledge. Users get up to the moment security advice about their real-world threat status in what customers have called “the most user friendly security product on the market”.

HoneyPoint Personal Edition

Network and System Administrators, along with your Power Users, represent not only valuable members of your team, but in the eyes of attackers they also represent prime targets. Their workstations and notebook systems usually contain immense amounts of valuable data and may even hold “keys to the kingdom” like passwords, certificates and other confidential network details. HPPE empowers these technical users to change their systems from attacker target to security sensor. Using HoneyPoint technology, they can configure their systems to capture attackers targeting them and take immediate action to trace, analyze and mitigate the threats. Easy to use, ultra-configurable, and highly effective – HPPE is a Power User’s best friend. HPPE includes "defensive fuzzing", HornetPoints and the new plugin interface. Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X!

DNS Doberman

DNS Doberman - DNS Doberman is a tool for monitoring key sites against DNS resolution attacks like cache poisoning, DNS tampering and other attacks either locally or upstream. The tool is configured with a list of host names and IP addresses. It then periodically resolves the host names and alerts you if your receive an untrusted IP address response from the DNS server. This could be due to DNS attacks, cache poisoning or other resolution tampering. A variety of alerting mechanisms are supported, including visual logging, email alerting, syslog/event log alerting. When configured properly, the DNS Doberman can integrate easily into network monitoring tools, SIM/SEIM products and other network management packages or offerings.