Thursday, June 20, 2019

Texas Hold'em Calculator (Win OS) - Stop losing, start WINNING!

Texas Hold'em Calculator (Win OS) - Stop losing, start WINNING!

Texas Hold'em Calculator (Win OS) - Stop losing, start WINNING! Stop losing, start WINNING! Many poker players cannot understand why they loose money playing good starting hands. The reason is- hand values fluctuate greatly depending on the number of people in the pot. (See for example this link: Texas Hold'em Calculator helps you to determine winning starting hands depending on the number of players in the pot. This program calculates preflop/flop/river odds and bets to win in poker - Texas Hold'em. The program shows your winning odds and bets in games with 2,3,...10 players. THC is the first odds calculator for PDAs! Known problems: On some devices it crashes or become frozen on the river .