Sunday, April 8, 2018

jk-ware | Games and Tools for PC-Windows

jk-ware | Games and Tools for PC-Windows

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 3.0 | jk-ware

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 3.0 - Breakoutgame, the reproduction behavior of Microorganism, 3D-Animationgame. Blocker is a breakoutgame with an unlimited amount of balls, 27 Stonelevels and a free movable Blocker. The aim is to enter a statuslist by a quick removal of the stones. Seven DirectX-Soundthemes and different backgrounds give this game everlasting enjoy.

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 3D-Animationgame | jk-ware

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 2.1 - Breakoutgame, the reproduction behavior of Microorganism, 3D-Animationgame Blocker is a breakoutgame with an unlimited amount of balls, 27 Stonelevels and a free movable Blocker. The aim is to enter a statuslist by a quick removal of the stones. Seven DirectX-Soundthemes and different backgrounds give this game everlasting enjoy. Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of Microorganism. The reproduction rules can be free selected. Likewise the step rate, output time and color palette. With an organization run, new rules and nice grafics can be found. Bouncing Balls is an interactive 3D animation with up to 100 rotating balls in a room. The number, width, deep of the room, ... can be free selected. There are five DirectX-Soundthemes for the movement of the balls.

Perpetuum mobile | jk-ware

Perpetuum mobile realizes continually moving and rotating balls. With sound-output originates such a music-piece that proceeds from start until end in equally swift speed. Up to 500 balls jump in an area around. The ball-movement can take place with gravity dynamically. As spectator-position can be selected the screen, the room-middle, a ball or an elevator. Hereby special visual and acoustic effects come to the validity. The user can plan diverse attitudes over six dialog-sides and save these into a file. The further can be started a small reaction-game and a screensaver.

jk-ware Projektworkspace - Projectworkspace for Visual C# developers

jk-ware Projektworkspace - Projectworkspace for Visual C# developers. The Workspace needs Visual C# 2008 (Express) and contains all source files to the construction of an application for the Windows-CLR (Common-Language-Runtime). The Projektworkspace consists of a base program created from a base project, an application project with an example program, a project to the construction of a kryptographic activation key and one project to the imbedding of refined license protection. The source code contains the award of license files.

jk-ware Color LIFE Sound Theater

With jk-ware Color LIFE Sound Theater Color LIFE Sound can be started multiple times and run simultaneously. Each game can occupy the size of the framework-window partially or completely or can share the place with the other games. The game-windows become with the menu-point "Windows" arranged overlapped, side by side or one on the other. The on this occasion selected window-order can be stored to the later recall as configuration. Think and purpose of Theater is to test the capabilities of modern computers playfully.

Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile | jk-ware

Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile 3.1 - Breakout game, reproduction behavior of microorganism, 3D-animation game. Blocker Plains is a Breakout game with an unlimited ball-number, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Aim is, through fast clear away of the stone-plains, to be accepted into a champions-list. Seven game-accompanied sound-topics with different listener-positions and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation. Six players can participate simultaneously at the game. The ball-speed can be selected in six steps. Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism.

jk-ware MDI-Projektworkspace - MDI-Projectworkspace for Visual C# developers

The Workspace needs Visual C# 2008 (Express) and contains all source files to the construction of a form administration for the Windows-CLR (Common-Language-Runtime). The resulting MDI program manages the forms of an application and a base program. The MDI-Projektworkspace consists of a base program created from a base project, an application project with an example program, the MDI project to the administration of the forms, a project to the construction of a kryptographic activation key and one project to the imbedding of refined license protection. The source code contains multithreading and the award of license files.

Blocker Plains | jk-ware

Blocker Plains - Reaction game with a freely moveable blocker, 50 stone plains and much sound. Blocker Plains is a Breakout game with six levels from very easy until very difficult and individual, an unlimited ball-number, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Aim is, through fast clear away of the stone-plains, to be accepted into a champions-list. Seven game-accompanied sound-topics with different listener-positions and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation. The Blocker-size, the size and speed of the balls and the ball-gravity are changed variably by the game-levels. Six players can participate simultaneously at the game.

Blocker Plains for Pocket PC | jk-ware

Blocker Plains is a Breakout game with six levels from very easy until very difficult and individual, an unlimited ball-number, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Aim is, through fast clear away of the stone-plains, to be accepted into a champions-list. Seven game-accompanied sound-topics and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation. The Blocker-size, the size and speed of the balls and the ball-gravity are changed variably by the game-levels. Six players can participate simultaneously at the game.

jk-ware Perpetuum mobile Theater

With jk-ware Perpetuum mobile Theater Perpetuum mobile can be started multiple times and run simultaneously. Each game can occupy the size of the framework-window partially or completely or can share the place with the other games. The game-windows become with the menu-point "Windows" arranged overlapped, side by side or one on the other. The on this occasion selected window-order can be stored to the later recall as configuration. Think and purpose of Theater is to test the capabilities of modern computers playfully.

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 2.0 (32 Bit) | jk-ware

Blocker, Color LIFE und Springende Bälle 2.0 (32 Bit) - Breakoutgame, the reproduction behavior of Microorganism, 3D-Animationgame. Blocker is a breakoutgame with an unlimited amount of balls, 27 Stonelevels and a free movable Blocker. The aim is to enter a statuslist by a quick removal of the stones. Two DirectX-Soundthemes and different backgrounds give this game everlasting enjoy. Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of Microorganism. The reproduction rules can be free selected. Likewise the step rate, output time and color palette.

jk-ware DirectX-Library | jk-ware

jk-ware makes his DirectX library available for your Win32-applications. The interfaces of the procedures for DirectSound and DirectDraw are explained in a Word-file for your previous information. The whole product consist of a developer workspace for Visual C++ 6 and higher and contains all source files for compiling the library. The procedure interfaces of the library are specified in Word textfiles and procedure diagrams in Designer 7 format.

jk-ware Theater

With jk-ware Theater Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile can be started multiple times and run simultaneously. Each game can occupy the size of the framework-window partially or completely or can share the place with the other games. The game-windows become with the menu-point "Windows" arranged overlapped, side by side or one on the other. The on this occasion selected window-order can be stored to the later recall as configuration. Think and purpose of Theater is to test the capabilities of modern computers playfully.

Perpetuum mobile for Pocket PC | jk-ware

Perpetuum mobile realizes continually moving and rotating balls. With sound-output originates such a music-piece that proceeds from start until end in equally swift speed. Up to 500 balls jump in an area around. The ball-movement can take place with gravity dynamically. As spectator-position can be selected the screen, the room-middle, a ball or an elevator. Hereby special visual effects come to the validity. The user can plan diverse attitudes over six dialog-sides and save these into a file. The further can be started a small reaction-game and a screensaver.

Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile | jk-ware

Blocker Plains is a reaction game with six levels, an unlimited ball-number, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Aim is, through fast clear away of the stone-plains, to be accepted into a champions-list. Seven game-accompanied sound-topics with different listener-positions and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation. Six players can participate simultaneously at the game. Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism.

Color LIFE | jk-ware

Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism. The reproduction rules can be free selected likewise the incremental width and output time of the generations. Color-palettes can be produced by your own. With a shape-run, new rules and nice graphics can be found.

Color LIFE for Pocket PC | jk-ware

Color LIFE for Pocket PC - Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism. Color LIFE représente le comportement de la reproduction de micro-organisme. Les règles de la reproduction peuvent être sélectionnées la largeur croissante et temps de la production des générations gratuitement également.

Color LIFE Sound | jk-ware

Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism. The reproduction rules can be free selected likewise the incremental width and output time of the generations. Color-palettes can be produced by your own. With a shape-run, new rules and nice graphics can be found. Color LIFE Sound plays the cell-pattern with 3D-Tone and shows the sound-graphics of each generation with it. To this can be selected 16 sounds from four different sound-topics in each case. The area-size, the bar and the volume is variably adjustable. Universe attitudes can be stored as file.

jk-ware 3.3 for Pocket PC / Windows CE | jk-ware

Blocker Plains is a reaction game with six levels from very easy until very difficult and individual, an unlimited ball-number, 50 stone plains and a freely movable Blocker. Aim is, through fast clear away of the stone-plains, to be accepted into a champions-list. Seven game-accompanied sound-topics and changing backgrounds gives Blocker Plains a long prolonged motivation. Six players can participate simultaneously at the game. Color LIFE figures the reproduction behavior of microorganism. The reproduction rules can be free selected likewise the incremental width and output time of the generations.

jk-ware Basisworkspace

jk-ware Basisworkspace - Basisworkspace for Visual C++(tm) users for development of their own products. The workspace runs from Visual C++(tm) 6 upwards and contains all source files for compiling a basis program for Windows and for Windows CE / PocketPC.