Sunday, March 7, 2021

XML ValidatorBuddy+ 7.x | Clemens Uhlenhut Software

XML ValidatorBuddy+ 7.x | Clemens Uhlenhut Software

Edit, validate, transform and organize XML and JSON files with XML ValidatorBuddy. With this tool, you can start to edit, validate and convert your XML and JSON files immediately after the installation. 1. Use W3C Schema, DTD, Schematron, and RelaxNG validation with ease. 2. Validate even huge (multi-GB) XML files. 3. Get all validation errors at once in the XML instance. 4. Configure and run batch tasks and get a detailed results log file. 5. Organize and manage your XML files. 6. Editor for XML and JSON. 7. Sign and verify XML Digital Signatures. 8. Editor for huge text files like XML and JSON content. The Plus Edition is required to sign and verify XML Digital Signatures and to use the editor for huge text documents. The installation includes the popular Xerces XML parser. Saxon HE is used to run XSL transformations.