Monday, June 7, 2021

Spam Eliminator | C Point Pty Ltd

Spam Eliminator | C Point Pty Ltd

Junk all your junk mail - automatically, while letting your legitimate mail in. Spam Eliminator is an intelligent plug-in: it gives you great protection from spam and ensures you receive all genuine messages by using the combination of filtering and performing fast content analysis: Matching of messages against the spam database for quick elimination. All messages known to be spam are instantly identified and marked. Keyword scanning - in the message headers and body. The program recognizes the keywords and key phrases that spammers typically use - including frequent and deliberate misspellings. Domain scanning. Messages originating at domains known for spamming are pinpointed instantly. Internal banned list. Any messages you place on the banned list will be recognized as spam in all subsequent mailings. Internal safe list. All messages on the safe list are reliably delivered. Identifying spam is not an exact science - so Spam Eliminator calculates probabilities for optimal results and assigns a number to each message. Messages over the threshold are marked as spam.