Friday, October 22, 2021

Bag Tag Manager (Min. 20 players) - Manage all your players in a bag tag challenge

Bag Tag Manager (Min. 20 players) - Manage all your players in a bag tag challenge

Manage all your players in a bag tag challenge. This online tool allows you to set up player profiles, manage game results and bagtag swaps. This is the best solution to keep track of your bag tag challenge in your disc golf club. Players can enter challenges to meet other players on the course and play around. They can enter the results of the challenge in the system and the bag tags and rankings are automatically swapped according to the results. This tool is online too, so you can use it on your mobile device as well. This allows to enter the game results immediately in the system and inform all other bag participants about the ranking. There's also an option to enter tournament results or flight results besides entering against one challenge. Request demo access to the page today!