Sunday, February 28, 2021

Java Game Development System 4 r2 | DKA Strategic Planning

Java Game Development System 4 r2 | DKA Strategic Planning

Java Game Development System 4 r2 - This program will develop an adventure game written in Java code without having to know Java programming. Also, this program uses a simple development process that has the application do the java programming for you, and an error-free Java program after the game information is entered. The code for this program has been tested to work on Forte and JBuilder. Highlights: • Develop frame-based adventure games with “error-free” programming code written in Java. • Develop a story using the “Idea Outline Processor.” You write the story, the program writes the Java code for you. • Can compile code and use it on a website or computer. • 500 Frames per adventure program. • Up to 9 scenario pathways per frame in the adventure. • Directed and Random pathway generation. • 3 sub – probability-based options per pathway. • Ability to set varying point levels per frame.