Saturday, February 27, 2021

KWizCom Productivity Pack | KwizCom

KWizCom Productivity Pack | KwizCom

KWizCom Productivity Pack - Take Your SharePoint to the next level with the most advanced solutions: CalendarPlus Professional version + Annual Support WCSS - WSS Cross-Site Search Professional version + Annual Support SurveyPlus + Annual Support All for the price of 3000$ - you save 40%!!! Buy it now - KWizCom Productivity Pack. Included in the bundle 1 x Survey Plus web part + Standard Support - Survey Plus web part provides an enhanced survey interface, including great-looking charts and a fully customized questions/results interface. 1 x Calendar Plus Professional Edition + Standard Support - SharePoint Calendar Plus web part allows users to view schedule data collected from various sources, such as Exchange Server private/shared calendars SharePoint lists on various or multiple WSS sites Custom calendar providers (CalendarPlus professional only) It allows a user to receive a single, aggregated view of all events and meetings (both private and shared). [object Object] x KWizCom Productivity Pack - Take Your SharePoint to the next level with these most advanced solutions!