Friday, July 12, 2024

CAD-KAS Kassler Computersoftware [Part 1]

CAD-KAS Kassler Computersoftware [Part 1]

CAD-KAS GbR is a software development company located in Germany, developing software since 1996. Download and test helpful software programs. Office tools, Bürossoftware. Fun software. Spaßprogramme und Spiele. Poster-Drucker, Poster-printery, Games, Online Games, etc.

Catalog Designer Nederlands - Create your product catalogs

Create your product catalogs. You enter all information about your products with pictures, article numbers, prices, discounts multiple variants, etc. The program creates the catalog out of your product information automatically. You can change the predefined layout's colors and fonts and include your company logo and your text. You can import existing product information from a CSV file. You can update all product prices at once. The program organizes your products into categories.

Catalog Designer Nederlands | CAD-KAS GbR

Create your product catalogs. You enter all information about your products with pictures, article numbers, prices, discounts multiple variants, etc. The program creates the catalog out of your product information automatically. You can change the predefined layout's colors and fonts and include your company logo and your text. You can import existing product information from a CSV file. You can update all product prices at once. The program organizes your products into categories.

CreativeDoc PDF Editor - an application to edit and work with existing PDF files

CreativDoc PDF Editor is an application to edit and work with existing PDF files. After opening a pdf file you can use the pointer tool to select existing objects. You can select multiple objects at once to modify them all at once. Over the property editor at the bottom of the window, you can change selected objects. For example, you may change the font or edit the text of a text object. You can call the picture editor to edit pictures or scan files. At the right side of the window, you find a color palette to change the text color and the color of line objects. If no object is selected you can call the page manager from the property editor panel to combine pdf files. add, delete, move, rotate, resize, or extract pages. You also find a function to add page numbers or headers and footers there. The bookmark manager allows you to add new bookmarks or delete existing ones. In the toolbar on the left side of the program, you find tools to add new text and picture objects. Tools to add circles, rectangles, lines, or freehand lines are found in the graphic object section. But you may also choose to add these objects as annotation objects which lay at the top of the regular document objects and can have an annotation message as a property. In the annotation section, you will also find the functions needed to markup text (highlight, strikeout, underline). In the form tool section, you find all the tools needed to add new form fields (text fields, checkboxes, radio boxes, list fields, and combo boxes). You can select existing annotations and form field objects with the pointer tool to modify their properties (for example fill out a form field). Finally, you find a tool to add links to the document and a function to define pictures as stamps so you always need only one mouse click to add a picture you need often. You can use a grid to align selected objects when you need to move them. You may also display a ruler. If objects are selected you can move them around, but if you click once on the selection you also have the option to rotate the selected objects with the mouse. You can encrypt or decrypt pdf files with the security settings under File/Properties. There you can specify a password and a set of limitations for the pdf file. You can export the pdf file as a Word or text file. In the edit menu, you also find a function to search and replace text.

CreativeDoc PDF Editor | CAD-KAS GbR

CreativDoc PDF Editor is an application to edit and work with existing PDF files. After opening a pdf file you can use the pointer tool to select existing objects. You can select multiple objects at once to modify them all at once. Over the property editor at the bottom of the window, you can change selected objects. For example, you may change the font or edit the text of a text object. You can call the picture editor to edit pictures or scan files. At the right side of the window, you find a color palette to change the text color and the color of line objects. If no object is selected you can call the page manager from the property editor panel to combine pdf files. add, delete, move, rotate, resize, or extract pages. You also find a function to add page numbers or headers and footers there. The bookmark manager allows you to add new bookmarks or delete existing ones. In the toolbar on the left side of the program, you find tools to add new text and picture objects. Tools to add circles, rectangles, lines, or freehand lines are found in the graphic object section. But you may also choose to add these objects as annotation objects which lay at the top of the regular document objects and can have an annotation message as a property. In the annotation section, you will also find the functions needed to markup text (highlight, strikeout, underline). In the form tool section, you find all the tools needed to add new form fields (text fields, checkboxes, radio boxes, list fields, and combo boxes). You can select existing annotations and form field objects with the pointer tool to modify their properties (for example fill out a form field). Finally, you find a tool to add links to the document and a function to define pictures as stamps so you always need only one mouse click to add a picture you need often. You can use a grid to align selected objects when you need to move them. You may also display a ruler. If objects are selected you can move them around, but if you click once on the selection you also have the option to rotate the selected objects with the mouse. You can encrypt or decrypt pdf files with the security settings under File/Properties. There you can specify a password and a set of limitations for the pdf file. You can export the pdf file as a Word or text file. In the edit menu, you also find a function to search and replace text.

Créateur de formulaires papier - Create your paper forms for printing

Create your paper forms for printing. Do not care about the layout at all. Simply enter all you want to query: name, street, city, etc. Possible fields are text fields or free size, checkbox fields, and radio fields. You can sort the fields into different segments (categories). Write an introduction text for each of the segments or add an image for the segments. You can also include your company logo in the headline and free text in the headline and footer of the page. Now the program will generate your paper form with one mouse click.

Créateur de formulaires papier | CAD-KAS GbR

Create your paper forms for printing. Do not care about the layout at all. Simply enter all you want to query: name, street, city, etc. Possible fields are text fields or free size, checkbox fields, and radio fields. You can sort the fields into different segments (categories). Write an introduction text for each of the segments or add an image for the segments. You can also include your company logo in the headline and free text in the headline and footer of the page. Now the program will generate your paper form with one mouse click.

Font to DXF and G-Code Italian

Font to DXF and G-Code Italian | CAD-KAS GbR

Font to DXF and G-Code Italian | CAD-KAS GbR

Font to DXF and G-Code Italian | CAD-KAS GbR

CAD-KAS Software - Gestion des stocks - Gardez enfin une vue d'ensemble de vos stocks

Gardez enfin une vue d'ensemble de vos stocks. Il s'agit d'un programme très simple à utiliser sans entraînement laborieux. Peu importe si vous exploitez une petite boutique en ligne ou si vous exercez une activité sur eBay, ce programme vous permet de garder une vue d'ensemble. Enregistrez votre produit dans le programme avec le nom, le numéro de l'article ou un code-barres, un commentaire et la quantité. Vous pouvez ensuite enregistrer les entrées et les sorties tout simplement avec un scanner de codes-barres, avec un clic, ou en entrant le numéro de l'article (si la rapidité est de mise). En cliquant sur le titre de la colonne comme, par ex., celle de la " quantité ", les articles se classent selon la quantité et vous pouvez voir ce que vous devez commander. Chaque saisie est enregistrée dans un protocole qui vous permet de retracer ce qui s'est passé s'il vous est arrivé d'enregistrer une information erronée. Vous pouvez d'ailleurs élaborer votre propre code-barres avec notre Barcode-Creator puis l'imprimer sur une étiquette. Vous pouvez le coller sur vos produits. Pour les sorties de produits, il vous suffit alors de scanner le code-barres des produits (le scanner de code-barres est disponible sur eBay à partir de 49 EUR seulement). Avec logiciel de caisse/caisse enregistreuse intégré La gestion des stocks comprend désormais également un logiciel de caisses/caisses enregistreuses. Les articles peuvent être scannés ou, s'ils ne sont pas enregistrés, être insérés manuellement. Une fois tous les produits scannés ou insérés manuellement, appuyez sur le bouton TERMINER. On vous demande ensuite le montant payé par le client. C'est-à-dire que si le client donne 30 EUR pour un article qui coûte 22 EUR, tapez 30 et le montant à restituer est calculé. 8 EUR dans ce cas. Un ticket de caisse peut alors être édité. Nouveauté dans la version 2.0 : Les colonnes peuvent maintenant être classées. Une fonction de recherche a été intégrée récemment. Les articles peuvent être assemblés et enregistrés simultanément. Nouvelles colonnes pour le poids et l'emplacement. Nouveauté dans la version 2.1 : La Version 2.1 peut maintenant être utilisée simultanément par plusieurs utilisateurs sur un réseau lorsque vous disposez des licences correspondantes. Il peut s'agir de plusieurs licences distinctes ou d'une licence pour utilisateurs simultanés. Toutefois, lorsqu'un utilisateur doit traiter des données, vous devez attendre qu'il ait terminé pour pouvoir enregistrer ou modifier des informations. C'est particulièrement le cas lorsque vous intégrez un nouvel article. Les autres utilisateurs ne peuvent rien enregistrer avant que le nouvel article soit intégré. En plus, vous pouvez désormais modifier le nom des colonnes. Nouveauté dans la version 2.2 Fonction caisses Fonction inventaire Evaluation des gains journaliers Manuel d'utilisation Des images peuvent être enregistrées pour les articles Impression automatique du code-barres automatique lors du débit Différents modes qui doivent arriver après le scan Imprimer différentes colonnes, des textes ou des images sur l'étiquette du code-barres Autoriser une sélection multiple d'articles pour la suppression Importer et supprimer toutes les données Imprimer la liste des commandes pour une seule catégorie La quantité peut être indiquée après une virgule lorsque vous scannez le code-barres Afficher la consommation de l'article au cours des 30 derniers jours. L'administrateur peut se connecter et se déconnecter pour utiliser toutes les fonctions Afficher tous les enregistrements pour l'article sélectionné Comment puis-je classer les articles ? Veuillez cliquer sur le titre de la colonne dans laquelle se trouvent les articles à classer. Comment connecter le scanner de codes-barres au logiciel ? Le scanner doit envoyer le code-barres au PC sous forme de saisie sur clavier. C'est alors comme si vous aviez saisi le code manuellement dans le champ de recherche. La plupart des scanners simples procèdent ainsi. Comment puis-je, par exemple, supprimer tous les enregistrements après la fin d'une année d'exercice ? Supprimer le fichier buchungen.dbf du répertoire du programme pour supprimer toutes les données. Un nouveau fichier vide sera créé au prochain démarrage du programme. Je vends, entre autres, des kits contenant plusieurs pièces et articles. L'enregistrement automatique des différentes pièces et différents articles doit donc être possible lors de la vente d'un kit. Cette possibilité se trouve sous fonctions/articles. Si par exemple, le kit porte le numéro d'article 1 et contient les articles 2, 3 et 4, insérez dans le tableau : 1 2 1 3 1 4 Lors de l'enregistrement de l'article 1 = kit, les articles 2, 3 et 4 seront enregistrés en même temps.

Gestion des stocks | CAD-KAS GbR

Gardez enfin une vue d'ensemble de vos stocks. Il s'agit d'un programme très simple à utiliser sans entraînement laborieux. Peu importe si vous exploitez une petite boutique en ligne ou si vous exercez une activité sur eBay, ce programme vous permet de garder une vue d'ensemble. Enregistrez votre produit dans le programme avec le nom, le numéro de l'article ou un code-barres, un commentaire et la quantité. Vous pouvez ensuite enregistrer les entrées et les sorties tout simplement avec un scanner de codes-barres, avec un clic, ou en entrant le numéro de l'article (si la rapidité est de mise). En cliquant sur le titre de la colonne comme, par ex., celle de la " quantité ", les articles se classent selon la quantité et vous pouvez voir ce que vous devez commander. Chaque saisie est enregistrée dans un protocole qui vous permet de retracer ce qui s'est passé s'il vous est arrivé d'enregistrer une information erronée. Vous pouvez d'ailleurs élaborer votre propre code-barres avec notre Barcode-Creator puis l'imprimer sur une étiquette. Vous pouvez le coller sur vos produits. Pour les sorties de produits, il vous suffit alors de scanner le code-barres des produits (le scanner de code-barres est disponible sur eBay à partir de 49 EUR seulement). Avec logiciel de caisse/caisse enregistreuse intégré La gestion des stocks comprend désormais également un logiciel de caisses/caisses enregistreuses. Les articles peuvent être scannés ou, s'ils ne sont pas enregistrés, être insérés manuellement. Une fois tous les produits scannés ou insérés manuellement, appuyez sur le bouton TERMINER. On vous demande ensuite le montant payé par le client. C'est-à-dire que si le client donne 30 EUR pour un article qui coûte 22 EUR, tapez 30 et le montant à restituer est calculé. 8 EUR dans ce cas. Un ticket de caisse peut alors être édité. Nouveauté dans la version 2.0 : Les colonnes peuvent maintenant être classées. Une fonction de recherche a été intégrée récemment. Les articles peuvent être assemblés et enregistrés simultanément. Nouvelles colonnes pour le poids et l'emplacement. Nouveauté dans la version 2.1 : La Version 2.1 peut maintenant être utilisée simultanément par plusieurs utilisateurs sur un réseau lorsque vous disposez des licences correspondantes. Il peut s'agir de plusieurs licences distinctes ou d'une licence pour utilisateurs simultanés. Toutefois, lorsqu'un utilisateur doit traiter des données, vous devez attendre qu'il ait terminé pour pouvoir enregistrer ou modifier des informations. C'est particulièrement le cas lorsque vous intégrez un nouvel article. Les autres utilisateurs ne peuvent rien enregistrer avant que le nouvel article soit intégré. En plus, vous pouvez désormais modifier le nom des colonnes. Nouveauté dans la version 2.2 Fonction caisses Fonction inventaire Evaluation des gains journaliers Manuel d'utilisation Des images peuvent être enregistrées pour les articles Impression automatique du code-barres automatique lors du débit Différents modes qui doivent arriver après le scan Imprimer différentes colonnes, des textes ou des images sur l'étiquette du code-barres Autoriser une sélection multiple d'articles pour la suppression Importer et supprimer toutes les données Imprimer la liste des commandes pour une seule catégorie La quantité peut être indiquée après une virgule lorsque vous scannez le code-barres Afficher la consommation de l'article au cours des 30 derniers jours. L'administrateur peut se connecter et se déconnecter pour utiliser toutes les fonctions Afficher tous les enregistrements pour l'article sélectionné Comment puis-je classer les articles ? Veuillez cliquer sur le titre de la colonne dans laquelle se trouvent les articles à classer. Comment connecter le scanner de codes-barres au logiciel ? Le scanner doit envoyer le code-barres au PC sous forme de saisie sur clavier. C'est alors comme si vous aviez saisi le code manuellement dans le champ de recherche. La plupart des scanners simples procèdent ainsi. Comment puis-je, par exemple, supprimer tous les enregistrements après la fin d'une année d'exercice ? Supprimer le fichier buchungen.dbf du répertoire du programme pour supprimer toutes les données. Un nouveau fichier vide sera créé au prochain démarrage du programme. Je vends, entre autres, des kits contenant plusieurs pièces et articles. L'enregistrement automatique des différentes pièces et différents articles doit donc être possible lors de la vente d'un kit. Cette possibilité se trouve sous fonctions/articles. Si par exemple, le kit porte le numéro d'article 1 et contient les articles 2, 3 et 4, insérez dans le tableau : 1 2 1 3 1 4 Lors de l'enregistrement de l'article 1 = kit, les articles 2, 3 et 4 seront enregistrés en même temps.

CAD-KAS Software - Gestione magazzino

Per una panoramica delle giacenze a magazzino. Si tratta di un programma molto facile da utilizzare che non richiede tempi di apprendimento lunghi. Indipendentemente dal fatto che gestiate un negozio on-line o siate attivi su ebay, questo programma vi consentirà di mantenere una visione d'insieme. Potrete inserire i vostri prodotti nel programma con nome, un codice articolo o un codice a barre, un campo commenti e la quantità. Vendite e acquisti potranno poi essere registrati molto facilmente con uno scanner del codice a barre, cliccando con il mouse o inserendo il numero dell'articolo (se il tutto deve svolgersi velocemente). Cliccando sui titoli delle colonne, come ad es. "Quantità", è possibile classificare gli articoli in base alla quantità e vedere cosa debba essere ancora ordinato. Ciascuna registrazione viene inserita in un protocollo, in modo da poter controllare cosa accade se per caso la registrazione non è stata effettuata correttamente. Con il barcode creator è inoltre possibile creare facilmente i propri codici a barre e stamparli sulle etichette che poi verranno applicate ai prodotti. In caso di uscita di prodotti, sarà sufficiente scansionare i prodotti con lo scanner per codice a barre (scanner per codici a barre disponibili su ebay per 49 Euro). Se è installato il software di cassa / registratori di cassa La gestione magazzino include ora anche un software di cassa / registratori di cassa. Gli articoli possono essere scansionati o, se non sono registrati, possono essere inseriti manualmente. Poi, una volta effettuata la scansione o l'inserimento manuale di tutti i prodotti, basta premere il pulsante FERTIG (terminato). Viene richiesto l'importo pagato dal cliente. Ad es. se il cliente deve pagare 22 Euro e ne dà 30, viene inserito il 30 e calcolato il resto, in questo caso di 8 Euro. Poi può essere stampato un buono cassa. Novità nella versione 2.0: Le colonne possono essere ricollocate. Recentemente è stata installata anche una funzione di ricerca. Gli articoli possono essere collegati e addebitati collettivamente. Nuove colonne per peso e ubicazione in magazzino. Novità nella Versione 2.1: La versione 2.1 può essere ora utilizzata anche da più utenti contemporaneamente tramite un'unità di rete, in presenza delle licenze corrispondenti. Si può trattare di diverse singole licenze o di licenze per utenti contemporanei. Se in quel momento un altro utente deve elaborare i dati, è necessario attendere che abbia finito prima di poter effettuare registrazioni o modifiche. Questo riguarda soprattutto la gestione di articoli nuovi, che non possono essere utilizzati per la prima volta da altri fino al termine della procedura d'inserimento. A questo punto è possibile anche rinominare le colonne. Novità nella Versione 2.2 Funzione cassa Funzione inventario Funzione calcolo utile quotidiano Istruzioni per l'uso Per gli articoli è possibile creare immagini Stampare automaticamente i codici a barre durante l'addebito Diverse modalità relativamente a ciò che può avvenire dopo la scansione Stampare diverse colonne, testo libero od immagini sull'etichetta del codice a barre Possibilità di selezione multipla di articoli da cancellare Importare e prima cancellare tutti i dati Stampare elenco ordini solo per una categoria Quantità può essere inserita dopo una virgola durante la scansione del codice a barre Visualizzare il consumo dell'articolo negli ultimo 30 giorni L'amministratore può effettuare log in e log out per utilizzare tutte le funzioni Visualizzare tutte le registrazioni dell'articolo selezionato In che modo posso classificare gli articoli? Fare clic sul titolo della colonna secondo cui classificare gli articoli In che modo viene collegato lo scanner del codice a barre al software? Lo scanner deve inviare i codici a barre al PC sotto forma di immissione mediante tastiera. È come se il codice sia stato inserito manualmente nel campo di ricerca. La maggior parte degli scanner semplici funziona così. In che modo posso ad esempio cancellare tutte le registrazioni dopo il cambio di anno di esercizio? Cancellare il file buchungen.dbf dalla directory del programma per cancellare tutte le registrazioni. Al successivo avvio del programma, verrà ricreato un file vuoto. Vendo tra l'altro dei set che contengono diverse unità ed articoli. Dovrei quindi avere la possibilità di registrare, al momento dell'inserimento di 1 set, le diverse unità dei diversi articoli. Questa possibilità è disponibile in collegamento funzioni/articoli. Se ad es. il set ha il numero di articolo 1 e contiene gli articoli 2, 3 e 4, nella tabella inserire: 1 2 1 3 1 4 Durante la registrazione di articolo 1 = set, vengono registrati anche gli articoli 2, 3 e 4.

Gestione magazzino | CAD-KAS GbR

Per una panoramica delle giacenze a magazzino. Si tratta di un programma molto facile da utilizzare che non richiede tempi di apprendimento lunghi. Indipendentemente dal fatto che gestiate un negozio on-line o siate attivi su ebay, questo programma vi consentirà di mantenere una visione d'insieme. Potrete inserire i vostri prodotti nel programma con nome, un codice articolo o un codice a barre, un campo commenti e la quantità. Vendite e acquisti potranno poi essere registrati molto facilmente con uno scanner del codice a barre, cliccando con il mouse o inserendo il numero dell'articolo (se il tutto deve svolgersi velocemente). Cliccando sui titoli delle colonne, come ad es. "Quantità", è possibile classificare gli articoli in base alla quantità e vedere cosa debba essere ancora ordinato. Ciascuna registrazione viene inserita in un protocollo, in modo da poter controllare cosa accade se per caso la registrazione non è stata effettuata correttamente. Con il barcode creator è inoltre possibile creare facilmente i propri codici a barre e stamparli sulle etichette che poi verranno applicate ai prodotti. In caso di uscita di prodotti, sarà sufficiente scansionare i prodotti con lo scanner per codice a barre (scanner per codici a barre disponibili su ebay per 49 Euro). Se è installato il software di cassa / registratori di cassa La gestione magazzino include ora anche un software di cassa / registratori di cassa. Gli articoli possono essere scansionati o, se non sono registrati, possono essere inseriti manualmente. Poi, una volta effettuata la scansione o l'inserimento manuale di tutti i prodotti, basta premere il pulsante FERTIG (terminato). Viene richiesto l'importo pagato dal cliente. Ad es. se il cliente deve pagare 22 Euro e ne dà 30, viene inserito il 30 e calcolato il resto, in questo caso di 8 Euro. Poi può essere stampato un buono cassa. Novità nella versione 2.0: Le colonne possono essere ricollocate. Recentemente è stata installata anche una funzione di ricerca. Gli articoli possono essere collegati e addebitati collettivamente. Nuove colonne per peso e ubicazione in magazzino. Novità nella Versione 2.1: La versione 2.1 può essere ora utilizzata anche da più utenti contemporaneamente tramite un'unità di rete, in presenza delle licenze corrispondenti. Si può trattare di diverse singole licenze o di licenze per utenti contemporanei. Se in quel momento un altro utente deve elaborare i dati, è necessario attendere che abbia finito prima di poter effettuare registrazioni o modifiche. Questo riguarda soprattutto la gestione di articoli nuovi, che non possono essere utilizzati per la prima volta da altri fino al termine della procedura d'inserimento. A questo punto è possibile anche rinominare le colonne. Novità nella Versione 2.2 Funzione cassa Funzione inventario Funzione calcolo utile quotidiano Istruzioni per l'uso Per gli articoli è possibile creare immagini Stampare automaticamente i codici a barre durante l'addebito Diverse modalità relativamente a ciò che può avvenire dopo la scansione Stampare diverse colonne, testo libero od immagini sull'etichetta del codice a barre Possibilità di selezione multipla di articoli da cancellare Importare e prima cancellare tutti i dati Stampare elenco ordini solo per una categoria Quantità può essere inserita dopo una virgola durante la scansione del codice a barre Visualizzare il consumo dell'articolo negli ultimo 30 giorni L'amministratore può effettuare log in e log out per utilizzare tutte le funzioni Visualizzare tutte le registrazioni dell'articolo selezionato In che modo posso classificare gli articoli? Fare clic sul titolo della colonna secondo cui classificare gli articoli In che modo viene collegato lo scanner del codice a barre al software? Lo scanner deve inviare i codici a barre al PC sotto forma di immissione mediante tastiera. È come se il codice sia stato inserito manualmente nel campo di ricerca. La maggior parte degli scanner semplici funziona così. In che modo posso ad esempio cancellare tutte le registrazioni dopo il cambio di anno di esercizio? Cancellare il file buchungen.dbf dalla directory del programma per cancellare tutte le registrazioni. Al successivo avvio del programma, verrà ricreato un file vuoto. Vendo tra l'altro dei set che contengono diverse unità ed articoli. Dovrei quindi avere la possibilità di registrare, al momento dell'inserimento di 1 set, le diverse unità dei diversi articoli. Questa possibilità è disponibile in collegamento funzioni/articoli. Se ad es. il set ha il numero di articolo 1 e contiene gli articoli 2, 3 e 4, nella tabella inserire: 1 2 1 3 1 4 Durante la registrazione di articolo 1 = set, vengono registrati anche gli articoli 2, 3 e 4.

CAD-KAS Software - Gestión de almacenes

Mantenga definitivamente la visión de conjunto de sus existencias de almacén. Este programa es muy fácil de manejar y no requiere un periodo de adaptación. Da igual si regenta una pequeña tienda online o utiliza eBay, este programa le permitirá tener todas sus existencias bajo control. Podrá crear sus productos en el programa con el nombre, número de artículo o código de barras, campo de comentario y cantidad. Las entradas y salidas podrán contabilizarse fácilmente mediante un escáner de código de barras, ratón o simplemente introduciendo el número de artículo (para una mayor rapidez). Haciendo clic sobre los títulos de las columnas como p. ej. "Cantidad" podrá ordenar las existencias de los artículos por cantidad y ver lo que debe pedirse posteriormente. Cada contabilización se registra en un protocolo, para que pueda ver en todo momento lo que sucede, en caso de que cometa algún fallo al contabilizar algún artículo. Dicho sea de paso, también podrá crear fácilmente sus propios códigos de barras con nuestro software Barcode-Creator y luego imprimir las etiquetas. De este podrá pegarlas a sus productos. En el caso de salidas de mercancías solo necesitará luego un lector o escáner de código de barras que pueda escanear los productos (en eBay podrá encontrar un escáner de código de barras desde 49 EUR). Con software de caja registradora/caja integrado Gestión de almacenes incluye ahora también un software de caja registradora/caja. Los artículos podrán escanearse o en caso de no estar registrados también permitirán introducirse manualmente. Una vez escaneados todos los productos o introducidos manualmente pulse en el botón LISTO. A continuación se le preguntará el importe pagado por el cliente. Así, si p. ej. el cliente debe pagar 22 euros y da 30 euros, se registra 30 y se calcula el cambio. En este caso 8 euros. Luego se imprimirá un tíquet de caja. Nuevo en la versión 2.0: Ahora las columnas podrán ordenarse. Hace poco también se ha incorporado una función de búsqueda. Ahora los artículos podrán vincularse y contabilizarse juntos. Nuevas columnas para peso y ubicación. Nuevo en la versión 2.1: Ahora la versión 2.1 podrá utilizarse por parte de varios usuarios simultáneamente en red, siempre y cuando cuenten con la correspondiente licencia. Esto podrá ser mediante varias licencias individuales o licencias para usuarios simultáneos. Si otro usuario debe procesar datos en este momento, entonces debe esperar hasta que este usuario haya terminado, antes de poder volver a contabilizar o modificar una posición. Esto afecta especialmente a la hora de introducir nuevos artículos, ya que no podrán contabilizarse los artículos hasta que no se hayan introducido los nuevos. Ahora también podrá además renombrar las columnas. Nuevo en la versión 2.2 Función de caja Función de inventario Determinación de las ganancias diarias Manual de manejo Se pueden guardar las imágenes para el artículo Impresión automática de código de barras durante la anotación Diferentes modos posibles después de escanear Imprimir diferentes columnas, texto libre o imágenes en la etiqueta del código de barras Admite selección múltiple de artículos para su borrado Importar y borrar todos los datos anteriores Imprimir lista de pedidos solo para una categoría La cantidad puede transferirse al escanear el código de barras después de una coma Mostrar el consumo del artículo en los últimos 30 días. El administrador puede iniciar o finalizar la sesión para utilizar todas las funciones Mostrar todas las contabilizaciones del artículo elegido ¿Cómo puedo ordenar el artículo? Por favor, haga clic sobre el título de la columna sobre la que desea ordenar el artículo. ¿Cómo se asocia el escáner de código de barras con el Software? El escáner debe enviar al PC el código de barras como dispositivo de teclado. De este modo es como si el código se introduciese manualmente en el campo de búsqueda. La mayoría de los escáneres adoptan este modelo. ¿Cómo puedo por ejemplo borrar todos los asientos contables después del cambio de año de actividad? Elimine el archivo buchungen.dbf de la carpeta de programas para borrar todas las contabilizaciones. La próxima vez que inicie el programa se creará un nuevo archivo vacío. Vendo entre otras cosas sets que incluyen varias piezas y artículos. Por ello necesitaría contar con la posibilidad de cuando contabilice 1 set, también se descuenten las diferentes unidades en los diferentes artículos. Esta posibilidad está disponible en vincular funciones/artículo. Si p. ej. el set tiene el número de artículo 1 e incluye el artículo 2, 3, 4, introdúzcalo en la tabla: 1 2 1 3 1 4 Al contabilizar el artículo 1 = Set, entonces se contabilizará también el artículo 2, 3 y 4.

Gestión de almacenes | CAD-KAS GbR

Mantenga definitivamente la visión de conjunto de sus existencias de almacén. Este programa es muy fácil de manejar y no requiere un periodo de adaptación. Da igual si regenta una pequeña tienda online o utiliza eBay, este programa le permitirá tener todas sus existencias bajo control. Podrá crear sus productos en el programa con el nombre, número de artículo o código de barras, campo de comentario y cantidad. Las entradas y salidas podrán contabilizarse fácilmente mediante un escáner de código de barras, ratón o simplemente introduciendo el número de artículo (para una mayor rapidez). Haciendo clic sobre los títulos de las columnas como p. ej. "Cantidad" podrá ordenar las existencias de los artículos por cantidad y ver lo que debe pedirse posteriormente. Cada contabilización se registra en un protocolo, para que pueda ver en todo momento lo que sucede, en caso de que cometa algún fallo al contabilizar algún artículo. Dicho sea de paso, también podrá crear fácilmente sus propios códigos de barras con nuestro software Barcode-Creator y luego imprimir las etiquetas. De este podrá pegarlas a sus productos. En el caso de salidas de mercancías solo necesitará luego un lector o escáner de código de barras que pueda escanear los productos (en eBay podrá encontrar un escáner de código de barras desde 49 EUR). Con software de caja registradora/caja integrado Gestión de almacenes incluye ahora también un software de caja registradora/caja. Los artículos podrán escanearse o en caso de no estar registrados también permitirán introducirse manualmente. Una vez escaneados todos los productos o introducidos manualmente pulse en el botón LISTO. A continuación se le preguntará el importe pagado por el cliente. Así, si p. ej. el cliente debe pagar 22 euros y da 30 euros, se registra 30 y se calcula el cambio. En este caso 8 euros. Luego se imprimirá un tíquet de caja. Nuevo en la versión 2.0: Ahora las columnas podrán ordenarse. Hace poco también se ha incorporado una función de búsqueda. Ahora los artículos podrán vincularse y contabilizarse juntos. Nuevas columnas para peso y ubicación. Nuevo en la versión 2.1: Ahora la versión 2.1 podrá utilizarse por parte de varios usuarios simultáneamente en red, siempre y cuando cuenten con la correspondiente licencia. Esto podrá ser mediante varias licencias individuales o licencias para usuarios simultáneos. Si otro usuario debe procesar datos en este momento, entonces debe esperar hasta que este usuario haya terminado, antes de poder volver a contabilizar o modificar una posición. Esto afecta especialmente a la hora de introducir nuevos artículos, ya que no podrán contabilizarse los artículos hasta que no se hayan introducido los nuevos. Ahora también podrá además renombrar las columnas. Nuevo en la versión 2.2 Función de caja Función de inventario Determinación de las ganancias diarias Manual de manejo Se pueden guardar las imágenes para el artículo Impresión automática de código de barras durante la anotación Diferentes modos posibles después de escanear Imprimir diferentes columnas, texto libre o imágenes en la etiqueta del código de barras Admite selección múltiple de artículos para su borrado Importar y borrar todos los datos anteriores Imprimir lista de pedidos solo para una categoría La cantidad puede transferirse al escanear el código de barras después de una coma Mostrar el consumo del artículo en los últimos 30 días. El administrador puede iniciar o finalizar la sesión para utilizar todas las funciones Mostrar todas las contabilizaciones del artículo elegido ¿Cómo puedo ordenar el artículo? Por favor, haga clic sobre el título de la columna sobre la que desea ordenar el artículo. ¿Cómo se asocia el escáner de código de barras con el Software? El escáner debe enviar al PC el código de barras como dispositivo de teclado. De este modo es como si el código se introduciese manualmente en el campo de búsqueda. La mayoría de los escáneres adoptan este modelo. ¿Cómo puedo por ejemplo borrar todos los asientos contables después del cambio de año de actividad? Elimine el archivo buchungen.dbf de la carpeta de programas para borrar todas las contabilizaciones. La próxima vez que inicie el programa se creará un nuevo archivo vacío. Vendo entre otras cosas sets que incluyen varias piezas y artículos. Por ello necesitaría contar con la posibilidad de cuando contabilice 1 set, también se descuenten las diferentes unidades en los diferentes artículos. Esta posibilidad está disponible en vincular funciones/artículo. Si p. ej. el set tiene el número de artículo 1 e incluye el artículo 2, 3, 4, introdúzcalo en la tabla: 1 2 1 3 1 4 Al contabilizar el artículo 1 = Set, entonces se contabilizará también el artículo 2, 3 y 4.

PDF Editeur - Edit PDF files, write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editeur | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editeur - Edit PDF files, write annotations, add text, change the text, etc.

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editeur Pro | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editeur Pro mise à jour

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages.

PDF Editeur Pro mise à jour | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages.

PDF Editor 10 concurrent users a special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving it if you don't want to change it

PDF Editor 10 concurrent users special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving it if you don't want to change it

PDF Editor 30 licenses with a reseller discount

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it.

PDF Editor 30 licenses with a reseller discount | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it.

PDF Editor Additional License Special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it.

PDF Editor Additional License Special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it.

PDF Editor Czech - write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Czech | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Nederlands 10 users

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Nederlands 10 users | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Nederlands - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editor Nederlands | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.

PDF Editor Italian - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Italian | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Italian 40 users license

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Italian 40 users license | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Polski - write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Polski | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Portuguese - Edit PDF files, write annotations, add text, change the text, etc.

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Portuguese | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Pro 10 concurrent users a special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

Catalog Designer Francais - Create your product catalogs

Create your product catalogs. You enter all information about your products with pictures, article numbers, prices, discounts multiple variants, etc. The program creates the catalog out of your product information automatically. You can change the predefined layout's colors and fonts and include your company logo and your text. You can import existing product information from a CSV file. You can update all product prices at once. The program organizes your products into categories

Catalog Designer Francais | CAD-KAS GbR

Create your product catalogs. You enter all information about your products with pictures, article numbers, prices, discounts multiple variants, etc. The program creates the catalog out of your product information automatically. You can change the predefined layout's colors and fonts and include your company logo and your text. You can import existing product information from a CSV file. You can update all product prices at once. The program organizes your products into categories.

PDF Editor Pro 10 concurrent users special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support).

PDF Editor Pro Czech - Edit PDF files, write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Czech | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and edit text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret". The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Italian - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Italian | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Nederlands - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Nederlands | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Polski - write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your character

PDF Editor Pro Polski | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your character

PDF Editor Pro Portuguese - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Portuguese | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Spanish - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Spanish | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Swedish - write annotations, add text, change the text, etc

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Swedish | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Update special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro Update special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro additional license special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro additional license special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro from PDF Editor Update Special offer

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters

PDF Editor Pro from PDF Editor Update Special offer | CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spelling errors), or delete words completely. Now you can also add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! With the 11 new tools, you can move and zoom the text and pictures and your text blocks, insert empty lines, or change the line breaks freely just like a text editor or word processor. Version 2.0 can underline, highlight, and strike out text and edit bookmarks too. Change the order of the pages or delete pages. Also, you can hide the information on a page so that it is invisible in Acrobat Reader but can be unhidden later. You can change the page size or move the content. Add stamps like "Confidential" or "Top secret." The source code of the page (a language like HTML) is editable for you. Use the program to read and write encrypted pdf files. The program leaves the layout untouched after saving if you don't want to change it. New in version 2.5: 1)New function: File/Reduce file size 2)Stamp functions 3)Page numbers and headers/footers function 4)Search and replace for the document text and search only function 5)Multiple form fields can be selected New functions for form fields 6) Better file repair function for corrupted pdf files 7)Faster drawing of vector objects 30% faster 8)Free highlighting function without the need for text objects (scanned file) 9)Split text objects into parts (split table rows into columns) New in version 2.6: 1) New form elements (pro version): Listbox, Drop-Down box, Radiobutton 2) New annotation fields: rectangle, ellipse, line, pencil 3) Rotate form fields 4) Setup the view of the file when opening the pdf file (for example show/hide bookmarks) 5) Page setup function for a scaled printout 6) A double click on a page under "Pages" opens the page in the Editor New in version 3.1: 1) You can write characters in any language (unicode support) 2) Just add a new font which contains your characters.